Content Upgrade for the ""  Resource Center Website

With technology assistance from netAserve, during 2010 AdventWeb migrated the content of the website over to the netAdventist content management system (CMS). We are now in the process of updating the website's content to make it current. During the first quarter of 2012 it is planned to further develop the website to make it into a better resource, not only for webmasters, but also for church administrators, pastors, communication persons, supporting ministry staff and laypersons. The site is a resource center for all who desire to serve Christ by using the Internet for evangelism and ministry.

The site can be viewed at the following URL:


In order to promote website excellence for Christ, during 2004 AdventWeb partnered with members of the North America Division eChurch Award team in order to produce a "webmaster & webservant help" website, which was first published under the identity of the Adventist Webservants Association (AWA). Webmaster for the site was David Buxton, a layperson member of the eChurch Award team and at the time webmaster for the Riverside Adventist Church in Washington State. Mario Pietravalle from the Manhattan Adventist Church NY produced the site's "Meet The Webmasters" feature. The original site was a classic FTP website hosted on a TAGnet server. During 2010 the website was migrated to the netAdventist content management system using technology services provided by netAserve, the tech support and service agency for the netAdventist product.